Name: Carol Bowe
School:Boston Latin School
Grade: 11
Biography: I started working with my school's environmental group, BLS YouthCAN, when I was in 8th grade. Then in 2009 we began work on a green roof at BLS. However, it was much more than that. It wasn't simply a green roof for our students. The plan is that it will be equipped with outdoor classrooms, wind turbines, solar panels, and even a greenhouse. I will be a place where students can learn and students from any school can come and check it out. We would also put data collected on the roof on our website ( so anyone can learn from it. We have been fundraising and giving presentations about it ever since. For example just recently we presented to the mayor and the city, which was really exciting because we are now pushing this project further. We've even had design charrettes to tweak our original plans. It has been a long process but in the end it will all be worth it!
Youth CAN is what lead me to green schools and the student ambassador program. I began last year and I am so excited that I have had this opportunity. It has lead me to learn much and discover many opportunities. One of the most exciting for me was meeting Eco Orchards at a green schools event. I had always been really upset that we were recycling and trying to cut down our waste at school yet we still had styrofoam lunch trays. They are recycled by the city but it was still not good for the environment. We purchased an order of compostable trays from Eco Orchards for a two day trial. I am hoping that this leads to further use of these and eventually a complete switch from styrofoam. I am very excited to be working in the student ambassadors program!
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