Monday, February 20, 2012

Let Me Introduce Our Ambassadors Part One....

Michelle Li
School: Needham High School
Grade: 12
Biography: I've worked with Greenschools since my sophomore year. I've regularly attended meetings, and in addition, have volunteered and partaken in events such as the summer student ambassador outings, the annual Green Schools Summit, and the Green Difference awards. I helped create the Student Ambassador Constitution, and co-wrote the Green Schools Society pledge. In my junior year, I helped the environmental club at my school place more recycling bins in the cafeteria to encourage recycling during lunch hours. As the Vice President of Communications of the Student Ambassadors, I manage the Green Schools Facebook group, and help edit the Ambassador Newsletter.

Anne Claire Grammer

School: Mansfield HIgh School
Grade: 12

This is my first year at Green Schools, and I couldn't be happier to be President of Community Outreach which means that I speak at events and am present at Green School's environmental field trips. I'm part of the Green Hornets club which is an environmental awareness club at MHS.
This year we are focusing on repairing our green house since it was ruined by hurricane Irene,increasing our current recycling regime, and are currently trying to implement solar panels on MHS's roof.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Inspiring Youth by Margie McNally Green Schools Board Member

Last Saturday, February 4th students from Sharon High School gathered at Mansfield High School, home of Green Schools to share their knowledge, experience and progress in composting at Sharon High School. Matt Ostrow and Vineeta Nangia along with other members of the group YCOMP (Youth Composting Organization for Massachusetts Populace, educated attendees with a well organized slide presentation of the benefits of composting as well as direction on implementing a program in area schools. Students displayed the “Earth Machine” as a key component of composting success. After the presentation students from Sharon, Mansfield and West Bridgewater had some fun with candid interviews on their motivation to bring green initiatives to their schools. After many years of environmental practice and education I was so inspired to see these dedicated young people share their individual enthusiasm about getting involved in environmental activities. Keep up the good work students! What are you doing in your school? Please share your experience with us.